CRP Bangladesh


Premium Drupal and Dynamic Website Design and Development Project for Centre For The Rehabilitation Of The Paralysed (CRP) in Bangladesh by ReVe IT. This Dynamic Website is Very User Friendly, Mobile, Tab and other screen size Responsive. It's a Highly Secure and can manage Large Number of  Data.

Web Design
Drupal, CS3, Bootstrap, PHP
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Project Details

The Premium Design Website for Rehabilitation Of The Paralysed (CRP) is one of the large and complex web design and development projects by ReVe IT Bangladesh. You will find a dynamic slide on the home page, and the Image are also photography by ReVe IT Photographer Team. The main Valerie Ann Taylor Sister massage has 2 different view for desktop and mobile. it's a custom and dynamic section. Same as the homepage services gallery. and the gallery image is linked to main services page and the services page has in-page department gallery. and the department are link to individual department page. We develop a dynamic counter on the home page for how many centers, vocational trainee, patients and student graduate from CRP. Then we put a timeline Image with link to timeline gallery. so visitor can get an idea how CRP works and grow over time. We put a latest news section, so this CRP website visitor can know about latest news form CRP. This section we put 3 latest news, and it will update dynamically. Visitor also can see all the News from the main menu call Latest CRP news under Publication Menu and in the news gallery you can see all the news from CRP, The next part is Success Story. Same as news gallery it will show latest 3 update Success Storey Dynamically, and under Publication Menu there is Success Story gallery link to main storey page. We put a Logo slide for Supporters of CRP. In footer Section we generate date for Contact Info, Main and Important link of the website like About CRP, Publication. Next we put a dynamic Subscribe Section so visitor can Subscribe for CRP news and Events. and Under this section we put social media logo link to the social page of CRP.

About us Page is very informative. We put about us information for CRP and a Video so you can get in overview for CRP Bangladesh. We design a responsive section for Vision, mission and Core Value of CRP. Custom Section for Objectives in a list. CRP At a Glance section is Dynamic and responsive. The Trustee Board Member slide is responsive and Dynamic. By clicking on the image you can see the full profile for the board member person. and last we put an Organizational Structure of CRP, so visitors can understand how they operate.

Under about us menu we develop a dynamic Award Receive gallery link to main award page. the Dynamic CRP timeline link to Timeline Detail page. and another dynamic gallery for friends of crp page link to their Detail page with All the information, how they become friends of CRP and contribute for the organization.

We develop a dynamic CRP Center list link to center detail page with contact information, Dynamic Google Map and Image gallery for the center.

CRP Product gallery is also another dynamic gallery with Product category gallery and link to the product gallery and from product gallery the product detail page are link the product image. you can see the full product information on the product detail page.

In Research section under about us menu, we develop a dynamic table for the research they have done. and put a link to the research page.

In Join Us section we Develop a dynamic Job board with Career Opportunity Section. We develop Be a Volunteer section for Volunteer who wants to come the Bangladesh and join CRP. Internship and Membership Section, so if anyone wants to become a member in CPR they get all the information in this section.

Under Education section you will find all the education institute information, how to get in to them and what will be the outcome for who will admit in those institutes. 

Contact page is with a large Google Map Link to the main Google map. So visitors can find the address easily. We put Main CRP Saver Address, Contact numbers and Web and Email address. We also develop a Dynamic Contact form so visitor can send a message easily using the contact form.

ReVe IT also done a Photography project for CRP Bangladesh. the Photography Project Image in the website, also you can see more images and information in our Photography Portfolio section. Hope you like this website project. Feel free to contact us if you need such web Development project or any other IT Supports. We will be happy to help you out.

The Skills Required for this Project

This project is premium project for a garments factory from Bangladesh. It's a Drupal based web development project, so its need professional skill on Drupal Web Development. Drupal is based on PHP so we also need a PHP expert. Lots of graphics are used in the website. Our best graphics designer worked on it. Our Web Developers have experience and good understanding how a garments factory works and what type of information the buyer wants to see and how they wants, so the website is very professional looking and our CSS3 and HTML expert work on the front end to make it happen.

Drupal Development
PHP Programming
Graphics Design
CSS3 / Bootstrap

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