is a Drupal based customized e-Commerce Kickstart Project by ReVe IT in Bangladesh. It's a Complex Website but very user and SEO friendly with many custom features. It's most secure, fast loading time, Mobile and Tab Responsive Designed Website. is one of our Drupal Commerce based custom Dynamic Website Design and Development Project. We customized the Drupal Commerce kickstart. This online store can able to make online order for any type of products. We develop this web as a responsive website, so it can rearrange the information and generate mobile and tab view dynamically.
We Develop a premium Dynamic Image Slide on the home page. Then we put a Dynamic Product category Gallery and link to them individual category Products gallery. We Develop a Custom Highlighted products gallery for Most Popular products and its fully customizable and rearrangeable, We put a button to link all product gallery bottom of the popular product gallery so visitor can easily navigate. In bottom section we put useful link like company information, Services & Supports, Security & Privacy information also put contact number, address and office hour. Put the social icon bottom of the page and company social page link with social media icons.
This website project has full online shopping system developed. A visitor can order a product, can see his order details and can download the order information after finish the order. The detail product page has a image gallery with zoom image option, so visitor can zoom the product image and get closer look of the products. Web admin can upload as many image as they wants.
The product page has highlighted product price under the product name or title and the SKU. Edit of a product from this website is very easy, admin don't need to find the product from backend to edit. It can be edit from right on the product page, so it's very easy to manage and update a product information.
The product page also has information tab for Product details, Specifications, more image gallery as a grid view system, Additional Information and Reviews. This tab also mobile and tab responsive. We develop a custom sidebar for product page, admin can put other category image link to the category gallery from the sidebar or can put any custom image and link to any page in this website or other web pages. Bottom of the product page we put a dynamic Related Products gallery. This gallery will show related product or same category product randomly.
We Develop a very cool contact page for this website, Start with a welcome contact massage and a dynamic contact us form call Drop a Message, so visitor can send a message using this contact form. We also put a Google map bottom of the page, so office address can be navigate easily.
Hope you like This Dynamic e-Commerce website design and development project, we also do product photography for this project, you can see the product image on the website or you can go to our portfolio section and then go to photography section and you will find our works.
If you need any cool Web Design and Development project like this, feel free to contact with us. We will happy to help you out.
For support / Services feel free to contact with us. The best way to contact with us is using mail. Send us an e-mail, so we can track your request and get back to you.