Electra International


Professional Web Design and Development Project for Electra International in Bangladesh by the best Website Development Company - REVE IT. Dynamic Premium Drupal Website for Electronic Company in BD, Mobile and Tab Responsive Design. Highly Secure with smart feature, Very SEO Friendly.

Web Design
Drupal, CSS3, Bootstrap, PHP
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Project Details

This is a Professional Dynamic Web Design and Development Project with Premium Drupal Theme for Electra International Bangladesh. This Dynamic website is developed by the REVE IT - the Leading and professional web design and development company in Bangladesh.

In the Website Homepage we develop a cool, Dynamic Image animation Home Slide. user can see high resolution images in this slide. The web admin put many product offer and gritting image for different occasions. This slide is responsive to mobile and tab view too. so the image of the slide will change automatically based on the screen size. After the slide we put a welcome note for the company. then put a blue bar with a custom button link to the all product gallery page. so visitor can click on the link and can see all the product gallery in this website. The home page Image gallery mostly for new product from this company. every image grid also an Image slide, so multiple can be displayed in one section. By show multiple image of a product, visitor can be interested of a specific product they want to buy. this can be increase the chance to sells of the products. This gallery Image also link to the main product page with full detail information. In latest news section we put 3 latest news with image title and some text with a button that dynamically link to the main news page.

In the footer section we put contact information with the head office address and all the contact number, hotline number and email id. In 2nd section we put support information and support number with office hour information. 3rd section we put some useful link to the company information like full news gallery link, Dynamic career page, extra image gallery, payment methods and the disclaimer. In 4ths section of the page we develop a Subscribe system for latest news and events for the company, so visitors can submit their email or phone number to up-to-date with this company.

We develop a custom about us page for this website. Start with Who We are text. then we put a profile gallery for Board of Directors. The Profile gallery is a dynamic gallery with flip animation. when hover the image it will flip and show the name of the director and some more text about that person. After it we design a custom section for CEO's Message with his Image. Then we put the mission Vision section. and before the footer we put a custom 3 column block for more information for this company.

The product page is a custom dynamic page with Image slide and overview text with product attribute information, we also put some web icon for the related attribute, its make the product page more attractive and user friendly. Under the Overview section we put two custom buttons. The button are link to custom order form and contact us page. The product Details section has a custom block with a custom button link to the company Showroom list dynamic page. Under the blue block we put a quick tab for display more information about this product, all the tab are dynamic and highly customizable. Web admin can put text image and video in those tabs. In the last section of a product page we put a dynamic Related Product block gallery. This block can generate a gallery with same category products.

In showroom and Dealer list section we develop a dynamic table with the showroom or dealer name or the hop name link to detail page. the contact number and responsible persons number. and the address. we also put a custom button for view details information.

In Showroom and Dealer detail page we develop another custom page. It starts with a Showroom or dealer name on the top. Then we put the address and contact information. we also develop a dynamic Google map so visitors can easily navigate the address using the map. We put a custom blue background block with a custom button link to the showroom list page. so after visiting a detail page visitor can go back to the list quickly.

We design the contact page with a custom top with a nice background image and put the page title. Then we put a contact instruction text and the company head office address and all the contact number information, the hotline number and the email ids. In right side we put a custom and dynamic contact us form. so website visitor can send a message using this form. web admin can track all the submission in the control panel. This form can keep all the message on the website control panel and also send an email to several email id at a time. bottom of the contact form we but a big custom Google map and put a custom icon to indicate the company head office address. If the visitor clicks on the icon it will pop up a box and also show some contact information and contact number. Under the map we but another custom blue box with three custom button. One link to the main Google map, it will load the Google Map apps if the visitor visit the site from a mobile or tab. Then we put another tow button link to Showroom and Dealer list.

Hope you like This Dynamic premium website design and development project, If you need any cool Web Design and Development project like this, feel free to contact us. We will be happy to build a website for you or your company / organization.

The Skills Required for this Project

This project is premium project for a garments factory from Bangladesh. It's a Drupal based web development project, so its need professional skill on Drupal Web Development. Drupal is based on PHP so we also need a PHP expert. Lots of graphics are used in the website. Our best graphics designer worked on it. Our Web Developers have experience and good understanding how a garments factory works and what type of information the buyer wants to see and how they wants, so the website is very professional looking and our CSS3 and HTML expert work on the front end to make it happen.

Drupal Development
PHP Programming
Graphics Design
CSS3 / Bootstrap

Related Works

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