Agro / Dairy Company from Bangladesh, Main Products are mostly Dairy Products.
_ Around 300 to 400, max 600 Words for each article.
_ No repeat Sentences or Sense of Sentences
_ Should be Good quality, Interesting and Very Reader Friendly.
_ Be creative as a word artist.
_ Need Good Article on - Recipe, using Dairy Products
_ ( Continuous Project )
Do a little Study on some web like - Aarong Dairy, New Zealand Dairy, Pran foods etc.
Make a Plan, then propose us how do you want to do this project. How will you charge for your works, we might need 2 or 3 revision, so keep that in mind.
For Recipe Article - We need continue content for Recipe Article, If you can or arrange professional Photo-shoot or video content for your recipe, it will be your advantage, We love to pay for you photos and videos too.
We highly appreciate if you can write us about your plan, How much you like to charge with little explanation to
For support / Services feel free to contact with us. The best way to contact with us is using mail. Send us an e-mail, so we can track your request and get back to you.