Web Design and Development Project For Naf Group from Dhaka Bangladesh By REVE IT - Best Premium Quality Professional Dynamic and Website solution for Bangladeshi Equipment importer company of Garments Factory, Responsive Design for Mobile and Tab. Highly Secure & SEO Friendly.

Web Design
Drupal, CSS3, Bootstrap, PHP
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Project Details

Naf Group is the biggest garments equipment import like printer embroidery machines and accessories. REVE IT Design and Develop the Premium and Dynamic website for this company. The team of professional from REVE IT team ware worked on it. Our Web development expert make the website super dynamic and our professional graphics design experts design the front end and all the graphics design like logo modification, website banner and others graphics works, and make the website attractive and very user friendly. We make the website 100% responsive and secure. Let's see how we don this project.
We use different shades of blue as the website theme color as blue is the company theme color and the logo color. We put a top blue bar to separate the website from the browser address bar and put the responsive top with the company logo. The homepage slide is a dynamic slide. Our graphics design team work on the graphics section and make the slide very attractive and informative. 
Then we put the website welcome note and a custom block with a block image slide with company information. After this section we put a dynamic product gallery for popular products and link the image and product name to the product detail page, so visitor can see all the information about a product they are interested. We develop a custom display for the product detail page with PDF file download option, so visitor can download product catalog or product brochure from the product detail page.
After the Dynamic web product gallery we design a parallax effect custom block with a custom button link to a dynamic from to start a project with them or become the company clients. we use a high graphical background to make the block more attractive and professional.
Bottom of the parallax block we develop the home news section with three latest news gallery. This homepage news section contain a news image with the news title and summer of the news with a custom dynamic read more button. The news image, title and the dynamic custom button link to the news detail page, so visitor of the website can see full news by clicking any of the link they wants. It's make the website project most user friendly also very SEO friendly. 
End of the website in the footer section we Design four column dynamic contact information section. In first column we put the company address with a Hotline number and then put two email address for support and corporate contact. In second column we provide all the after sales support numbers with a 24/7 call center number and the company office hour information. Third column for useful link like news and events gallery link, career opportunities, Image gallery and other important information links. We develop a dynamic custom form for newsletter subscribe with a mobile number and email address field. Web admin can see all the submission form his control panel and send newsletter to the subscribe. In bottom of the footer section we put company copyright information, website credit info and Company Social media links with a social media responsive icon link to their social media pages, so visitor can visit the company social sites and connect with them.
We develop a custom and dynamic about us page with the company information, with a responsive member gallery with flip animation and dynamic person data. Develop a custom block for coo's message with his image, and then we put the company's Mission, Vision and what they do information. and tow more custom block for more information with another three column block for them and company operation information.
The product gallery page is full dynamic and customize with high quality mobile and tab responsive. We develop a cool News and Event page. Dynamic Career page for applicant who want to have a career in this company. The contact page is fully customizable, we put a nice contact us graphics banner, contact information like contact number office and factory address, a dynamic contact form, so visitor can send a message, and this dynamic form can send multiple email to multiple address, also can store submission on the admin panel. Bottom of the page we put a big Google map with a custom block and button link to main Google Map. We put another tow block link to all the showroom and service center address.
Hope you like Our premium Dynamic website design and development project, If you need any cool Web Design and Development project like this, feel free to contact with us. We will happy to build a website for you or your company / organization. Feel free to send us a feedback about this project. We'd love to listen your though and improve user experience.


The Skills Required for this Project

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia.

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Company Growth Last Year
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