Systems & Services Limited - SSL


Professional Dynamic Web Design and Development Project for System and Services Limited in Bangladesh by REVE IT - the leading IT company from Bangladesh. This website is Mobile and Tab Responsive Design. Highly Secure and Fast, high traffic load capable website, Very SEO Friendly.

Web Design
Systems & Services
Drupal, CSS3, Bootstrap, PHP
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Project Details

The Premium Web Design and development project for Systems & Services Limited is very complex Dynamic Drupal based responsive website, Design and Developed By REVE IT from Bangladesh. It's a top professional level project so our most professional web developers were working on this web development project. We have to use so many dynamic data process system in this project. There is may type of date link to another type of data and need to make many complex quarry for show the right process data in the ring pages. After lots of work and many trial and error we manage to develop the solution for our client. and the client was happy, they get the project done as they wanted. lest share what we done for the project, and start with the homepage.
Homepage is most important page on a website, as its the main landing page. so we try to make informative and good looking as much as possible. We develop a custom header for this website. it has 2 different logo on the top one in ring side and another in left. then we put a dynamic menu and make the section sticky on top, so when scroll to down the menu will fix on the top so visitor don't need to scroll up to find the menu and go to another page. They can visit any page from any part of the website.
We put a dynamic Homepage Slide on the top with many cool Image animation and navigation. All the image of the slide are with best web compress. and the Image compression system in the website, so the website user don't need to take time and compress the image and upload it. they can upload any size of Image and the Dynamic Image compression system will resize and compress the image file in the best size. This slide also a device screen size responsive. so the image will automatically resize its best.

Then we put a welcome note under the slide with nice blue title. we use blue red and yellow color as the company theme color and as the company logo color. In next section we put Whet we do with six section with custom web icon so it looks good.
before the footer section we put a dynamic News and Event section with three latest news or event post. It will show latest three post dynamically. The post can be Image or video. and the image can be slide if there are more than one image. The video can be play on this section, and the video can be input from YouTube or other video share website.
In the footer section we put four column, start with contact information like company address and contact number and email address. In next section we put all the hotline number for support, Sales and services with their email ID. In next column we put a dynamic Latest News section with a link and the publish date. this footer will show in all the pages around the website. In last section we put some useful link related to the company business.
We develop a cool about us page for the website with many information about the company. The about information start with the company and their mission. We put a dynamic progress bar with custom color and put a visual display with graph using a graphics design image. after that we put a custom web block for management and their team information with a big title on it. After it we put another custom block with Image and a title on it and a column with web icon and text information. This sections are responsive too, so the display will be change based on mobile or tab views. In the last section we put a dynamic slide for their major milestone with the client logo and the project name and some of the information about those project they done as a major project.
The Client page for the company is a gallery page with their client logo and they are link to a detail page. When visitor hover an image the title or the client name will come up with an animation. and the title also link to the detail page.
The client detail pages are also have many dynamic block. Firs it will show the client logo and some information about this client. then it will show the projects as a project gallery that they done for those client. The client page also link to the project page so visitor can see all the project in the client page related to the client. The project gallery image and the title are link to the project detail page. so visitor can go to the detail page if they want to know more about the project. they don't need to go to the project gallery and find the project to see the project detail. That's make the website is very user friendly.
In Technology Partners section is a brand Image gallery and with a title animation with a blue background, and link to the brand detail page. In the detail page, visitor can see a logo of the brand and some information with the brand. Under the information section there is a product gallery for the brand. In this gallery visitor can see all the product under this brand. The product gallery also has the animation with the title with blue background and link to the detail page of the products. So visitor can go to the product page from the brand page product gallery. The product brand gallery also a dynamic gallery. The image and title are link to detail page, and the detail page also has the product gallery link to the product detail pages.
Project page is a project gallery with some preset filter. All the project image and the title link to the main project page. Visitor can filter any project the product brand are use in the project. or the category of the product use in the project or by the client whom they working for. Also can be filter by the service category and the year they implemented the project. We develop the gallery so advance that all the filter will work perfectly and how the results properly. The visitor can find the project they are looking for or as they want to see the project information as they wants. By click on the image or the title you can go to the project main page and can the detail information about that project with Image and a data chart.

News and Event section also a dynamic news gallery. the web admin can put Image and Video on the news section, and more than one image can be show as a slide. From the news gallery visitor can go to the detail page of the news or events and can see all the information, Image and video about the news or the events.
The product page section is a dynamic gallery with two custom preset filter. The Website visitor can filter the product by Product category and the Product brand name. The image and the title of the product are linked to the main product page. In product detail page has a Image gallery with a custom product image slide and zoom option. Product information section has all the date of the product. The admin can upload a PDF file for the product bursar and the visitor can download the file.
The System gallery is a dynamic gallery with the system Image and the system name linked to the detail system page. in system detail page you can see the system related Image and the systems date on the page.
The solution page is a dynamic gallery with the solution image gallery link to the solution detail page. and the detail page has a custom Image slide with zoom and slide option. we put the solution overview and detail information.
The main services gallery is a custom and dynamic gallery link to the services detail page. we use related image for the services gallery. The detail page for the service page has an Image gallery with Image slide and a Image navigation. The Image are also can be Zoom by click on them.  We put all the detail information for the service and can be show another gallery related to those services.
We develop a support section for the company. visitor can open a trouble Ticket if they need to. We also develop a dynamic and cool FAQ section, so the visitor can find more common information for the common problems for a system or a product or about the company. The support team can track a ticket and get back to their clients.
Contact us page is the 2nd most visited page after homepage. so we try to develop the contact page as useful as possible. We Develop a custom block for a dynamic Google map. We put a big map so visitor can see other aria near the office address and can find the address easily. Then we put a small instruction message for the visitor. We develop a dynamic contact us form. The form can record all the data in the database and admin can see all of them in the control panel. The form also can send message to one or several email id. We put a Office address, all the contact number and email ID, so the website visitor can contact with the company quickly and directly using the contact information. We also put a chart of the office hour, so the visitor can know when is the best time to visit the office or contact with the company.
Hope you like This premium Dynamic website design and development project, If you need any cool Web Design and Development project like this, feel free to contact with us. We will happy to build a website for you or your company / organization.

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For support / Services feel free to contact with us. The best way to contact with us is using mail. Send us an e-mail, so we can track your request and get back to you.


