Smart Solution


Professional Web Design and Development Project For Smart Solution for Bangladeshi Kitchen, Laundry and Cleaning Equipment importer company - By REVE IT - The Best Quality Website solution Provider in Dhaka Bangladesh, Responsive Design for Mobile and Tab. Highly Secure & SEO Friendly. 

Web Design
Smart Solution
Drupal, CSS3,Javascript, PHP
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Project Details

This is a website design and development project by ReVe IT from Dhaka Bangladesh for a Importer company call Smart Solution. This is a dynamic Professional Website design project with user and SEO friendly design. The main audience visitor are form premium hotels and resorts in Bangladesh. So we developed this project keep them in mind.
We develop the homepage with a Custom Dynamic image slide with animation. we use JavaScript for this slide. Our expert graphics designer working on the image editing presentation. Under the slide we put a main product category gallery in three custom block with image and the category name link to the category product gallery page, so visitor can directly visit the product category gallery from this section if they want to. 
In main page content we put the company Introduction information and a custom dynamic slide with control bar for news and events. The homepage news slide will Display latest 10 News and events dynamically. The News Image and Title are link to main detail page.
Under the main content section we put three custom block for the company's Special offer, their client and the product brand information. The Client and Brand display are dynamic and custom info slide with image and text link to their detail page.
The footer section are developed using four custom column, We put the company hotline number in first column and Corporate office and UK office address on second and third column. Fourth section we put all the contact number information with phone and fax number. Under the footer section we put the company copyright information, website credit and The company social media link with social media Icon and link them with their social media accounts.
We put a dynamic menu on top of the every pages. In about us menu put some more sub-menu for more information about the company. We develop six dynamic pages for About use, Information about Smart Solution, Smart International, Company Profile, The team Vision and company mission.
The Solution pages are also dynamic and customizable. We develop the main solution page with a dynamic gallery for Project, Ready Stock and Services information gallery and link them to their detail information age. We use custom Graphics and text for the gallery. visitor can easily move one page to another, so this is very SEO and user friendly too.
We develop the a dynamic product gallery and fifteen sub gallery for the company products. all the sub gallery also dynamic gallery. The gallery are all responsive too. so they will change on mobile and tab display. we put the product title or the name top of the grid and then put the product image. the title and image are link to the detail page.
ReVe IT design and develop the partners page in two section. One for Whom they represent and another one for their clients. We develop two cool dynamic gallery for them. Then we design a custom page for news. so visitor can see all the company news. from this dynamic news page. We also develop a career page for the job candidate. Job Applicant can apply for a post from this career system that we develop. 
We design a simple dynamic contact page for the website. we put a dynamic contact for and a Google map beside the contact form. then put the company office location email address web address and the hotline phone number.
hope you like our this website design and development project. feel free to send your feedback on ties project. if you like to have a web design and development project like this directly contact with us. We will happy to help you out.


The Skills Required for this Project

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia.

Project Completion
Skills & Experiences
Company Growth Last Year
Payment to Due

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