

Professional Web Design and Development Project for Kaaruk in Bangladesh by ReVe IT. It's a Premium Dynamic Drupal Website for handicraft company in BD, Mobile and Tab Responsive Design. Highly Secure and Fast page loading website, Very SEO Friendly.

Web Design
Drupal, CS3, Bootstrap, PHP
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Project Details

kaaruk.com is a Professional Dynamic Web Design and Development Project with Premium look. This website is developed by the REVE IT - the best and professional web design and development company in Bangladesh. REVE IT also done the professional product photography for this web development project.
In the Website Homepage we develop a cool, Dynamic Image and text animation Home Slide. This slide will show the product image animation with the product name text with a nice background. Visitor of this website will love the 1st look. Then we put a welcome note and next we develop a dynamic product gallery with ajax button filter. By click on the button the category product will show up with a nice animation. it's also a cool technique to impress a website visitor. After the product gallery we put the team gallery with the tem image and their designation. Then we put the Partners gallery link to the partner page and a custom button to become a partner.
In footer section we put the company address and the contact information. and social media icon link to the company social media pages. so the website visitor can also visit their social pages and connected with them.
About us section start with a big title and a nice background and the about text for the company. Then we put the full Team gallery with the team member image and link them to the team page. so visitor can see the full profile the team members. we also put a social icon on the member image. when the visitor hover the image the social icon will come up with an animation and the icon are link to the person or the team member social media account. so if any visitor want to connected with the team member on the social media or can follow them. It's a nice practice to connect with a website visitor on a social media accounts.
We develop an advanced product gallery for the product page. the product page as a big title and some category custom buttons with responsive animation feature. This website can display all the product image in the gallery and clicking the button the product will be animated and rearrange the product based on the category.
On contact page we develop a nice round block with icon and display the contact information like contact number, office address and email address of this company.
Hope you like This Dynamic premium website design and development project, we also do product photography for this project, you can see the product image on the website or you can go to our portfolio section and then go to photography section and you will find our works. 
If you need any cool Web Design and Development project like this, feel free to contact with us. We will happy to build a website for you or your company / organization.


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